"Buster Jones: Part-Time Vigilante" was created between 10-1-2008 & 04-1-2011. It is based on a comic strip created by Nathan Clements in 1991. Most of the hundreds of shots that make up the movie are shot with a $200 camcorder. The movie is basically a conspiracy documentary about the New World Order/the Illuminati/the formation of a Satanic Global Fascist Police State with a fictional comic book character (surrounded by a fictional plot involving other fictional comic book characters) inserted within this reality/universe.
The first rough cut of the movie was shown in Myrtle Beach in early 2009 at The Basement, with another showing at the Myrtle Beach 2009 X-Con. A subsequent rough cut was shown in April of 2011 at Bumstead's bar in Myrtle Beach. The project was then shelved for personal and financial reasons. The project was then unshelved in 2016, completely re-edited, and finalized.
The movie is powered by the sounds of Electric Birdnoise, a solo project of Myrtle Beach musician and producer Brian McKenzie, and Awake in Khaos, a heavy metal band created by Ricki Flores, Joey Graziano, and Nathan Clements in Myrtle Beach in early 2009. The band played shows until 2014.
A DVD for "BJPTV" is being prepared for release. The DVD contains the official trailer for "BJPTV" as well as trailers for the follow-up movies "Buster Jones Versus the Illuminati" and "Buster Jones Lives and Dies on the Flat Earth" which concludes the "Buster Jones Killogy." All funds donated to this website go toward the production of these two movies.
Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming DVD, as well as the upcoming digital comic book "Buster Jones" and other merchandise, and upcoming movie screenings in the United States. Please donate! Buy me a cup of coffee, it supports independent filmmaking.
"Buster Jones: Part-Time Vigilante" is released by Bloody Racket Films LLC, and is a property and creation of Nathan Clements.